Guidelines for Reading Groups

IHUM posts reading group information on our website, and usually offers logistical assistance in securing meeting spaces for the groups, and facilitates guest visits.  However, for Fall AY2021-22, due to limitations caused by the pandemic, we must adhere to the University’s latest COVID-19 Guidelines as described on this COVID Resources Webpage. We encourage you to meet virtually, and we will make a small number of funds available to your group that will allow you to invite guests and provide honorariums. If you do want to meet in person, please follow the current Guidance on Events and Gatherings. Beyond that, setting readings, scheduling meetings, and maintaining membership is the responsibility of the organizers. Groups should be open to all graduate students and faculty.
IHUM funding provides opportunities to invite guests that might arise out of your work together; purchase texts and books for the group discussion. (You do not need to spend it.) This money is not to be used for incidental expenses such as meeting snacks but rather for support of the scholarly and intellectual elements of the group.
Organizers have two further responsibilities: 1) to keep the webpage current, with an announcement of all meeting times; and 2) to keep a record of meetings attendance (with names). IHUM sponsorship is renewable each fall, so long as the group can show that it has kept a loyal membership and a regular meeting schedule.