
Current  |  Past


Past Courses

Topics in Architecture: Building Life: Animate Ecologies
Subject associations
ARC 594 / MOD 504 / HUM 593 / ART 584 / SPA 559
Spyros Papapetros
Fall 2023
Zeitgeist Literature
Subject associations
FRE 545 / HUM 545
Christy N. Wampole
Fall 2023
Topics in German Media Theory & History: Ecopolitics of Media: Material, Knowledge, Resource Regimes
Subject associations
GER 523 / MOD 500 / HUM 523 / ENV 523
Thomas Y. Levin
Viktoria Tkaczyk
Fall 2023
ihum seminar
Interdisciplinarity and Antidisciplinarity
Subject associations
HUM 583
D. Graham Burnett
Fall 2023
El cuarto de los temblores: Rewriting Gender in Latin America
Subject associations
SPA 585 / GSS 585 / HUM 563 / LAS 575
Javier E. Guerrero
Gabriela Nouzeilles
Fall 2023
Topics in Architecture: The Total Corporation: The Design of Everything In a Global Context
Subject associations
ARC 594 / MOD 504 / HUM 593 / ART 584 / SPA 559
Rubén Gallo
Sylvia Lavin
Spring 2023
Submergent Opacities: Critical Ecologies of Relation
Subject associations
EAS 551 / ENG 588 / COM 548 / HUM 551
Franz K. Prichard
Spring 2023
Literary and Cultural Theory: Architectures of Theory
Subject associations
ENG 571 / COM 592 / ARC 589 / MOD 570 / HUM 570
Andrew Cole
Spring 2023
Literature and Society: New Schools
Subject associations
ENG 574 / HIS 591 / HOS 591 / HUM 574
D. Graham Burnett
Jeff Dolven
Spring 2023
Topics in Literary and Cultural Theory: Literature and Rhetoric
Subject associations
GER 520 / COM 518 / HUM 520
Frauke I. Berndt
Spring 2023
Topics in Architecture: Building Life: Architecture, Technology, Historiography
Subject associations
ARC 594 / MOD 504 / HUM 593 / ART 584
Spyros Papapetros
Fall 2022
Introduction to Critical Theory: Politically Red
Subject associations
ENG 572 / COM 590 / HUM 572
Eduardo L. Cadava
Fall 2022
Topics in German Media Theory & History: Sonic Politics
Subject associations
GER 523 / MUS 530 / MOD 524 / HUM 523
Thomas Y. Levin
Gavin Steingo
Fall 2022
Interdisciplinarity and Antidisciplinarity
Subject associations
HUM 583
D. Graham Burnett
Fall 2022
ihum seminar
Humanistic Perspectives on the Arts: Curating Antiquities: Theory and Practice
Subject associations
HUM 598 / CLA 593 / MOD 598 / HLS 597 / ART 596
Nida M. Ghouse
Brooke A. Holmes
Spring 2022
Topics in German Media Theory & History: Media Theory since 2000
Subject associations
GER 523 / MOD 523 / HUM 523
Devin A. Fore
Spring 2022
Essayism: Trajectory of a Genre
Subject associations
FRE 530 / COM 511 / HUM 530
Christy N. Wampole
Fall 2021
Topics in Architecture: Building Life: Space, Field, Territory
Subject associations
ARC 594 / MOD 504 / HUM 593 / ART 584
Spyros Papapetros
Fall 2021
ihum seminar
Humanistic Perspectives on the Arts : Multiplicity, Problems in Graphic Design & Topology

HUM 598 / MAT 564
David W. Reinfurt (Visual Arts) Philip Ording (Humanities Council)

Spring 2021
ihum seminar
Humanistic Perspectives on History and Society : Tropical Modern: Cuba, Architecture, Revolution

HUM 597 / ARC 597 / LAS 597 / SPA 557 / MOD 597
Beatriz Colomina (Architecture), Rubén Gallo (Spanish and Portuguese)

Spring 2021
Living Room: Gender, Cities, and Dissent

ARC 580 / HUM 580
Sophie E. Debiasi-Hochhäusl (Architecture)

Spring 2021
African-American Literature : Reading Late 19th Century African American Literature Now

ENG 556 / AAS 558 / GSS 556 / HUM 556
Autumn M. Womack (English)

Spring 2021
Literary and Cultural Theory : Interdisciplinary Methods and the First Book

ENG 571 / GSS 571 / HUM 573
Monica Huerta (English)

Spring 2021
Introduction to Critical Theory : The Work of Art in the Age of Its Technological Reproducibility

ENG 572 / ART 516 / COM 576 / HUM 572 / MOD 572
Eduardo L. Cadava (English)

Spring 2021
Literature, Data, and Interpretation

ENG 583 / HUM 587
Meredith A. Martin (English) Rebecca Munson (Center for Digital Humanities)

Spring 2021
20th-Century French Narrative Prose : Albert Camus: Writing in Motion

FRE 524 / HUM 524
André Benhaïm (French and Italian)

Spring 2021
The Cinema of Cruelty

SPA 562 / HUM 562
Javier E. Guerrero (Spanish and Portuguese)

Spring 2021
ihum seminar
Interdisciplinarity and Antidisciplinarity

HUM 583
D. Graham Burnett (Department of History)

Fall 2020
ihum seminar
Rupturing Tradition: Ancient Past, Contemporary Praxis

HUM 597 / CLA 590
Brooke A. Holmes, (Classics) Dan-El Padilla Peralta, (Classics)

Fall 2020
Topics in Architecture: Building Life: Pre-Architecture - A Primer

ARC 594 / MOD 504 / HUM 593 / ART 584
Spyros Papapetros (School of Architecture)

Fall 2020
20th-Century French Narrative Prose : Voice Matters

FRE 524 / HUM 524
Thomas Trezise (Department of French and Italian)

Fall 2020
ihum seminar
Psychoanalysis and the Making of Art: A Reciprocal Life

HUM 598 / MOD 598
Martha Friedman, (Visual Arts) Jamieson N. Webster, (Council of Humanities)

Spring 2020
ihum seminar
The Problem of Context

HUM 599 / ANT 599 / COM 599
Elizabeth A. Davis (Department of Anthropology), Karen R. Emmerich (Comparative Literature)

Spring 2020
The Avant-Garde in a State of Emergency

ART 565 / GER 564 / HUM 565
Devin A. Fore (Department of German), Hal Foster (Art & Archaeology)

Spring 2020
The Contemporary

FRE 533 / HUM 533 / COM 571
Christy N. Wampole (Department of French and Italian)

Spring 2020
ihum seminar
Interdisciplinarity and Antidisciplinarity

HUM 583 / HOS 583
D. Graham Burnett (History of Science)

Fall 2019
ihum seminar

HUM 595 / ENG 594 / CLA 595 / HLS 595
Andrew Cole (English), Brooke Holmes (Classics)

Fall 2019
ihum seminar
Humanistic Perspectives on History and Society: Revolution

HUM 597 / COM 597 / ENG 593
Zahid R. Chaudhary (English), Benjamin Conisbee Baer (Comparative Literature)

Spring 2019
Topics in Architecture - Building Life - Architecture, Biology, and Modern Space

ARC 594 / MOD 504 / HUM 593 / ART 584
Spyros Papapetros (Architecture)

Fall 2018
Introduction to Critical Theory – Phenomenology

ENG 572 / HUM 570
Gayle Salamon (English)

Fall 2018
ihum seminar
Ideographs, Images and Emblems

COM 539 / HUM 585 / ENG 539
Thomas W. Hare (Comparative Literature) & Russell J. Leo (English)

Fall 2018
ihum seminar
Interdisciplinarity and Antidisciplinarity

HUM 583
D. Graham Burnett (History)

Fall 2018
ihum seminar
Hobbes and Milton: The Commonwealth, the Person and the Nature of Language

HUM 586 / PHI 512 / ENG 586
Daniel Garber (Philosophy) & Nigel Smith (English)

Fall 2018
ihum seminar

HUM 595 / MOD 506 / ENG 594
Eduardo L. Cadava (English) & Susan Meiselas (Humanities Council)

Fall 2018
Modernism and Modernity - Documentary and the Discourse of Reality

GER 517 / HUM 517 / COM 512 / MOD 501
Devin A. Fore (German)

Spring 2018
ihum seminar
Humanistic Perspectives on History and Society - Authorship of the Body: Health, Illness, and Medicine

HUM 597 / SLA 597 / EAS 597
Amy Borovoy (East Asian Studies) and Elena Fratto (Slavic)

Spring 2018
ihum seminar
Ancient Literary Thought: Greece and China

HUM 596 / EAS 537 / CLA 596 / HLS 596
Andrew L. Ford (Classics) & Martin Kern (East Asian Studies)

Spring 2018
20th-Century French Narrative Prose - Realism and (Post-)Truth

FRE 524 / HUM 524
Christy N. Wampole (French & Italian)

Fall 2017
ihum seminar
What is a material? History, Architecture, Environment

HUM 595 / ARC 593 / MOD 551
Lucia Allais (Architecture), Forrest M. Meggers (Architecture)

Fall 2017
ihum seminar
Interdisciplinarity and Antidisciplinarity

HUM 583
D. Graham Burnett (History)

Spring 2017
Conflict Shorelines II: Conflict, Settlement, & Environmental Violence

ENG 571 / HUM 571 / ARC 570
Eduardo L. Cadava (English) and Eyal Weizman (Architecture)

Spring 2017
ihum seminar
Havana: Architecture, Urbanism, and Literature in Transition

HUM 597 / MOD 575 / ARC 597 / LAS 597
Beatriz Colomina (Architecture) and Rubén Gallo (Spanish and Portuguese)

Spring 2017
ihum seminar
Non/Human: Ecology, Morphology, and Design in Animals and Plants

HUM 595 / ARC 595 / SPA 599 / ART 595 / MOD 595
Spyridon Papapetros (Architecture) and Rachel L. Price (Spanish and Portuguese Languages and Cultures)

Fall 2016
ihum seminar
Case Histories, Life Stories

HUM 596 / GER 596 / FRE 596 / COM 596
Peter P. Brooks (Comparative Literature) and Brigid Doherty (German and Art & Archaeology)

Fall 2016
Aesthetics of Surveillance

GER 517 / MOD 517 / ART 517 / COM 519
Thomas Y. Levin (German)

Fall 2016
ihum seminar
Spinoza’s Intellectual World

HUM 597 / HIS 557 / ENG 597
Anthony Grafton (History) and Russell Leo (English)

Spring 2016
ihum seminar
Natural History/History of Nature: The Concept of Nature in Classical Antiquity

HUM 594 / CLA 594
Brooke Holmes (Classics)

Spring 2016
Introduction to Critical Theory: Phenomenology

ENG 572 / HUM 572 / MOD 528
Gayle Salamon (English)

Spring 2016
ihum seminar
The Enacted Thought: Performance Practices and the Theatres of Learning

HUM 598
D. Graham Burnett (History of Science)

Spring 2016
ihum seminar
Non-Specialists and the Arts

HUM 598 / MUS 508
Scott Burnham (Musicology) and Barbara White (Music Composition)

Fall 2015
Conflict Shoreline I / Amazonia: A Botanical Archaeology of Genocide

LAS 505 / ENG 506 / ARC 540 / HUM 505 / URB 505
Eduardo L. Cadava (English), Paulo Carvalho Ravares (PLAS) and Eyal Weizman (Architecture)

Fall 2015
ihum seminar
Novelty Historicized

HUM 595 / COM 595 / PHI 595 / HOS 515
Daniel Garber (Philosophy) and Eileen Reeves (Comparative Literature)

Spring 2015
ihum seminar
Interpretation - Experience

HUM 599 / ENG 548 / HOS 589
D. Graham Burnett (History of Science), Jeff Dolven (English)

Spring 2015
ihum seminar
Drawing and the Line in Literature and the Visual Arts

HUM 598
Susan Stewart (English) and Eve Aschheim (Lewis Center for the Arts)

Spring 2015
ihum seminar
Unpacking Derrida's Library: Secrets of the Archive

HUM 596 / COM 596 / ENG 529 / FRE 596
Eduardo Cadava (English) and Avital Ronell (NYU)

Fall 2014
ihum seminar
Observing the World

HUM 582 / COM 588 / PHI 581
Leonard Barkan (Comparative Literature) and Daniel Garber (Philosophy)

Spring 2014
ihum seminar
Contemporary Art and the Amateur

HUM 598
Joe Scanlan (Visual Arts)

Fall 2013
ihum seminar
Benjamin’s “Artwork Essay” or, Cultural History as the Rigorous Study of Art & Media

HUM 581
Brigid Doherty (Art & Archaeology and German) and Michael Jennings (German)

Fall 2013
Translation in Theory and Practice

COM 585
Sandra Berman (Comparative Literature) and C.K. Williams (Creative Writing)

Spring 2013
Job, Literature & Modernity

Esther H. Schor (English) and Leong Seow (Princeton Theological Seminary)

Spring 2013
ihum seminar
Matters of Attention

HUM 580
D. Graham Burnett (History) and Sal Randolph (IHUM Fellow)

Spring 2013
Media in Film

GER 525
Thomas Y. Levin (German) and Joseph Vogl (Humboldt U)

Spring 2013
Style and Rule

HUM 595
Jeff Dolven (English) and Joshua Katz (Classics)

Spring 2013
ihum seminar
On the Persistence of of Cultural Forms

HUM 597 (327)
Devin Fore (German) and Hal Foster (Art and Archeology)

Fall 2012
ihum seminar
Critique and Its Discontents

HUM 599
D. Graham Burnett (History of Science) and Jeff Dolven (English)

Fall 2011