Hazal Hürman

Department of Anthropology

Hazal Hürman is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Anthropology and the Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program in the Humanities. Hazal’s anthropological research foregrounds children’s experiences and self-representations as a route to understand (de)colonial subjectivities, ethno-racial affective sensibilities and political anxieties as they are reconfigured in contemporary Turkey. As an IHUM fellow, she is interested in thinking deeper into the ethics and methods of a child-centered research agenda; the dialectical interplay between childhood as a construct and as lived experience; and potential intersections between decolonial and child-focused epistemologies.


Hazal received her B.A. in Political Science and International Relations from Marmara University, Istanbul. Prior to Princeton, she completed two Master’s programs in Sociology at Texas A&M University, and Political Science at Central European University, Budapest."

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PhD Students