Current | Past 2023-2024 Arts and (re)Creation from Africas to the World Asian American Studies Classical Chinese Dead Disciplines Decolonizing Nature: Race, Indigeneity, and Poetics Law and Political Economy Moten Race and the Musical Academy Reading Critical Black Studies Reception of Virgil's Aeneid Relationality, Animals, and the Environment Thalassography Theatricality After Theater Toward a Third Cinema 2022-2023 Asian American Studies Avant-Garde Film Black Atlantic Fictions Comparative Ancient Poetry Harmonics Knowledge, Empire and the "Brokered World": Locating the Intermediaries and the Go-Betweens Narrative and Story across Disciplines Performative Postsocialisms What's New in Ottoman-Turkish Studies? 2021-2022 After Phenomenology Asian American Studies Carceral Studies Reading Group Childhood, Law, and the State Feminist Generations Islam after Liberalism Modernism and the Masses Operative History and Architecture Post- and Decolonial Theories 2020–2021 After Critique Agency in the Anthropocene Art and Culture in the Long Nineteenth Century Asian American Studies Black Feminism(s): Theory, Praxis, and Poetics Chasing Ghosts: Hauntedness as Theory and Practice Derrida and Post- Phenomenology Diaspora Imperial Sound Media Mysticisms Race, Citizenship and the State Receptions of Latin Literature 2020-2021 Technics Theorizing Women in the Ancient World 2019–2020 Disability Studies Global History of Science Inventory Post-Punk and Cultural Studies Psychoanalysis Beyond the West Receptions of Latin Literature Theory 2018-2019 Black Studies & The Black Radical Tradition Critical Moving Image Ethnography: Knowledge, Form, Innovation Film and Media Theory Inventory Migrations, Borders, and Global Crisis Queer Cultures Race and Psychoanalysis Social Philosophy Speaking of Science Theory Writing and The Politics of Language 2017–2018 Black Studies and the Black Radical Tradition Critical Writing and the Public Sphere Encounters with the State Environmental Humanities Inventory Late Medieval / Early Modern Thought Neoliberalism Psychoanalysis Speaking of Science The Race, Ethnicity, and Nationality Theory Thomas Mann and His World Universalism(s) 2016–2017 Atheologies Decoloniality: Prison Abolition Reception of Ancient Philosophy 2015–2016 Biographical Writing in Early China 2014–2015 Maimonides Philosophical Topics in Early China: Military Thought