Queer Cultures

Queer Cultures is an interdisciplinary reading group which takes the intersection of sexuality and representation as its central focus. We will examine the complex relationships between theories of sexuality and objects of culture – especially art, literature, film and performance. Moreover, we will discuss and debate the political stakes of aesthetics, representation, and artistic practices in both historical and contemporary developments of queer theory.

This semester, we will begin with a theoretical and historical grounding in discourses of sexuality from the late 20th century, taking as our starting point Michel Foucault’s History of Sexuality. In the spring, we will turn to contemporary scholarly approaches and artistic practices.


1. Introduction: Thursday 20th September, 4.30-6.00 pm
2: Thursday 4th October, 4.30-6.00 pm
3: Thursday 25th October, 4.30-6.00 pm
4: Thursday 15th November, 4.30-6.00 pm
5: Thursday 6th December, 4.30-6.00 pm

Contacts: Carlos Kong and Luke Naessens